Trader Joe’s Fermented Black Garlic Rub


8 in stock

SKU: 00671606 Categories: ,


There’s some serious science behind the fermentation process that leaves fermented garlic as black, soft, and surprisingly sweet as it is. When subjected to just the right level of heat and humidity, the allicin within fresh garlic — i.e., the chemical that gives garlic its uniquely pungent flavor and aroma — begins to break down into S-allylcysteine, a compound that turns the whitish garlic cloves black, softens them, and converts their distinctly garlicky flavor into something sweeter, richer, and more complex. Intrigued? We can’t blame you. Luckily, with Trader Joe’s Ground Fermented Black Garlic, it’s never been easier to add this extraordinary flavor to whatever dish strikes your fancy.

A long-standing staple of culinary traditions all across the Asian continent, Fermented Black Garlic makes an excellent addition to even the simplest of foods: soups, roasted potatoes, grilled meats, marinades, even a pot of simple stove top mac & cheese becomes an elevated eating experience with a few dashes of Ground Fermented Black Garlic.


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